Please connect with as many prolife groups and individuals as possible, get on their contact lists, attend their events, support them with your prayers, volunteerism & donations...and tell others. More prolife organizations will be added the list. This is a work in progress and takes a long time to type up.
Inclusion on the
list is provided
as a courtesy
of this website and does not imply endorsement, complete agreement, or accuracy of info.
Names -A- Page 2
Abortion Survivors Network - Melissa Ohden https://AbortionSurvivors.org/
Adams County Pregnancy Resource Center, Union, Ohio https://adamscountypregnancyresourcecenter.com/
Advancing American Freedom - Paul Teller: https://AdvancingAmericanFreedom.com/
Africa Life Youth Foundation in Uganda - Richard Sempala http://FreedomsHope.org/projects/africa/uganda/
Aid for Women-Illinois: Chicago, Cicero, Flossmoor, Waukegan, Wheeling IL https://www.AidForWomen.org/
Alabama: Choices Pregnancy Clinic & Sav-A-Life Tuscaloosa https://choicespregnancyclinic.org/
Alabama: Positive Choices, Birmingham https://pregnancybirmingham.com/
Alabama: Pregnancy Resource Center in Pelham https://pregnancycenterpelham.org/
Alabama: Safe Harbor Women’s Medical Clinic in Selma https://safeharborwmc.org/
Alaska: Community Pregnancy Center, Anchorage https://cpcanchorage.com/
Alaska: Heart Reach Center, Wasilla https://www.heartreachalaska.com/
Alaska: Juneau Pregnancy Resource Center https://www.juneaupregnancyresource.org/
Alaska Pregnancy Center Coalition http://akpregnancycenters.com/
Allan Parker & The Justice Foundation & The Moral Outcry & Operation Outcry https://thejusticefoundation.org/ and https://themoraloutcry.com/ and https://www.operationoutcry.org/
Alliance Defending Freedom https://adflegal.org/
Aloha Pregnancy Care & Counseling Center, Kaneohe, Hawai’i http://alohapregnancy.com/
Alpha Clinics, Vacaville, California https://www.rupregnant.org/
Alpha Pregnancy Help Center, Merced, California https://AlphaPRC.com
AMAC Association of Mature American Citizens https://amac.us/hawaii-pregnancy-centers-go-court-law-requiring-promote-abortions/
American Association of ProLife OB-GYN’s www.AAPLOG.org
American Center for Law & Justice – Jay & Jordan Sekulow: www.ACLJ.org
American Family Association www.AFA.net
American Family News www.AFN.net
American Family Radio www.AFR.net
American Life League – Judie Brown www.ALL.org
Americans United for Life www.AUL.org
Amnion Pregnancy Center, Burnsville, Minnesota MN https://www.amnioncpc.org/ and https://helpofferhope.org/
Amnion Pregnancy Center, Pennsylvania http://www.amnionpregnancycenter.com/
Amy Ford https://www.amyford.com/
Anchor of Hope, Sheboygan, Wisconsin https://www.AnchorOfHopeWI.org/contact-us/
And Then There Were None - Abby Johnson www.AbbyJ.com & ProLife Women’s Conference www.ProLifeWomen.com