*PLEASE NOTE: Inclusion here is at the courtesy of this website and does not imply endorsement, complete agreement, or accuracy of info. THIS LIST WILL KEEP GROWING. To suggest corrections, additions, or deletions, use the contact button at www.MissouriBlacksForLife.org
Names - S - Page 2
Southern Baptist Convention https://www.sbc.net/?s=prolife
Spain: Citizen Go (Madrid) www.CitizenGo.org & Canada www.CitizenGo.CA
St. Joseph Radio www.StJosephRadio.net
Stacy "Stacy on the Right" Washington, national radio talk show host, based in Missouri MO https://www.StacyOnTheRight.com/
Stanton Healthcare – Brandi Swindell & Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney & Stanton International & Stanton Public Policy Institute https://stantoninternational.org/
Star Parker – Center for Urban Renewal & Education CURE in Washington, DC: https://curepolicy.org/star-parker/
Steven Mosher & Population Research Institute www.POP.org
Stop Planned Parenthood STOPP www.STOPP.org
Students for Life of America www.StudentsForLife.org
Sumter Pregnancy Center, South Carolina https://www.sumterpregnancycenter.com/
Support After Abortion www.SupportAfterAbortion.com
Sylvia Johnson in Houston, TX at 5th Ward Pregnancy Help Center www.HoustonPregnancyHelpCenter.org