*PLEASE NOTE: Inclusion here is at the courtesy of this website and does not imply endorsement, complete agreement, or accuracy of info. THIS LIST WILL KEEP GROWING. To suggest corrections, additions, or deletions, use the contact button at www.MissouriBlacksForLife.org

Names -H-
H3 HelpLine – Help, Hope Healing https://h3helpline.org/
HALO Health Advocacy Leadership Organization www.HaloVoice.org
Hand-n-Hand Pregnancy Help Center, Barnhart, Missouri www.HNHCenter.org
Hard Truth: movie documentary by Gregg Cunningham & the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform - trailblazing, groundbreaking, conscious-searing exposure of how abortion destroys innocent babies & treats human unborn children like trash www.AbortionNo.com and https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Pro-Life-Weapon-Unprecedented-Might/dp/B000LVEDNS
Hawai’I Family Forum HFF https://www.hawaiifamilyforum.org/
Hawai’i Pregnancy Center https://www.hawaiipregnancycenter.com/
Hawai’i: Aloha Pregnancy Care & Counseling Center, Kaneohe http://alohapregnancy.com/
Hawai’i: Malama Pregnancy Center of Maui https://www.mauipregnancycenter.com/
Hawai’i: O’Ahu Pregnancy Center & A Place for Women, Waipahu https://oahupregnancycenter.com/
Hawai’i: Ohana Pregnancy Center of East Hawai’i, in Hilo https://www.ohanapregnancycenter.org/
Hawai’i: Pearson Place Pregnancy Resource Center, Honolulu https://pearsonplace.org/about/
Health Advocacy Leadership Organization HALO www.HaloVoice.org
Heart Reach Center, Wasilla, Alaska https://www.heartreachalaska.com/
Heartbeat International www.HeartbeatInternational.org
Heartbeat Pregnancy Center, Sandusky, Ohio http://www.heartbeatofsanduskyohio.com/
Heartlander News https://heartlandernews.com/2021/11/09/slu-students-vandalize-pro-life-display-for-the-third-time-in-two-days-still-no-response-from-university/
Helping Hands Pregnancy & Parenting Center, Mariposa and Oakhurst, California http://www.HandsOfHope.Life/
Heritage Foundation & Heritage Action for America https://www.heritage.org/life and https://heritageaction.com/issues
Heroic Media www.HeroicMedia.org
High Desert Pregnancy Clinic, Yucca Valley, California https://HDPC.ME
Hillsdale College, Michigan https://www.hillsdale.edu/campus-life/clubs-intramurals/clubs/students-for-life/
His Nesting Place, Long Beach, California https://www.hisnestingplace.org/programs
Hollister Pregnancy Center, Hollister, California https://hollisterpregnancycenter.com/
Homeless & pregnant services: Our Lady’s Inn maternity homes – Missouri www.OurLadysInn.org
Hope in NOVA (Northern Virginia): https://www.friendsofhopeinnova.org/
Hope Pregnancy Center New Jersey https://hopepregnancycenternj.org/
Hope Pregnancy Center & Think I’m Pregnant, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma https://ThinkImPregnant.org/
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic in California: Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Anaheim, Downey https://www.horizonpc.org/
Human Coalition https://www.humancoalition.org/
Human Defense www.HumanDefense.com
Human Life Alliance www.HumanLife.org
Human Life International www.HLI.org
Human Life of Washington (State) https://humanlifewa.org/
"Hush": movie documentary www.HushFilm.com