*PLEASE NOTE: Inclusion here is at the courtesy of this website and does not imply endorsement, complete agreement, or accuracy of info. THIS LIST WILL KEEP GROWING. To suggest corrections, additions, or deletions, use the contact button at www.MissouriBlacksForLife.org
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"MAAFA 21: BLACK GENOCIDE IN 21ST CENTURY AMERICA" by Mark Crutcher and Life Dynamics (www.LifeDynamics.com). Maafa is pronounced, “mah-ahh-fuh”. Maafa 21 connects racism, slavery, eugenics, population control, forced sterilization, chemical warfare against the unborn, Margaret Sanger & her Birth Control League (which became Planned unParenthood), the U.S. government & overseas “humanitarian” aid, politicians of all stripes, the U.S. Supreme Court, citizens, churches, etc., TO ABORTION, right up to today! www.Maafa21.com
M.A.M.A. Crisis Pregnancy Center & Options for Pregnancy, Susanville, California CA https://OptionsForPregnancy.com
March for Life www.MarchForLife.org
March for Life - Canada www.MarchForLife.CA
Marin Pregnancy Clinic, Novato, California https://marinpregnancyclinic.org/
Mark Crutcher & Life Dynamics & Maafa21 www.LifeDynamics.com and www.maafa21.com
Maryland: Pregnancy Clinic https://pregnancyclinic.org/
Massachusetts MA: Prolife Legal Defense Fund www.PLLDF.org
Massachusetts: Pregnancy Help Boston https://pregnancyhelpboston.org/index.php
Maternity Home – Missouri: Our Lady’s Inn maternity homes www.OurLadysInn.org
- Medical Institute for Sexual Health, Dallas, Texas https://www.medinstitute.org/
Melissa Ohden & Abortion Survivors Network: https://abortionsurvivors.org/
Metroplex Women’s Clinic, Arlington, Texas https://metroplexwomensclinic.com/about/
Michael Jr. (comedian) https://michaeljr.com/
Michigan: Stanton Healthcare, Detroit – Brandi Swindell & Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney & Stanton International & Stanton Public Policy Institute https://stantoninternational.org/
Midwest March for Life & Kathy Forck: www.MidwestMarchForLife.com
Mike Lindell & My Pillow https://www.mypillow.com/
Minnesota: Amnion Pregnancy Center, Burnsville https://www.amnioncpc.org/ and https://helpofferhope.org/
Minnesota: Brian & Denise Walker – Rich in Mercy: http://www.RichInMercy.org/about-us.html
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life www.MCCL.org
Minnesota: Gospel of Grace Fellowship, Edina, Minnesota https://www.ggf.church/prolife
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